Friday, May 20, 2011

Motto and Manifesto

The title of this blog, 'Sapere Aude Vita', is Latin for “Dare to know life”. So, it seems fitting that the motto for the blog, and my motto along with this whole wacky endeavor I’m about to begin, is 'Ego Sapere Aude'; which means “dare to know thyself”. To that end, the purpose of this blog isn’t just to talk about what I’m doing to become healthier or get myself back into shape but also about things that I’m passionate about and things that strike my fancy.

Sometimes I find it funny that I’m as young as I am but asking myself these questions and presenting these challenges to myself. But I love my life and all that I’ve done and been able to do up to this point and simply want to do more, see more, and be more. To better myself and seek out those things that will challenge, inspire, encourage, and demand more of me – those things that will rouse my passions, those I’m aware of and those which are dormant and waiting for a spark.

Along with that goal, I’m writing a manifesto for this blog. A simple set of goals and statement of intent that will serve as the foundation for my content herein. This will serve to hold me accountable and keep you informed so you’re not taken by surprise when I go on a rant about kettle-bells and why they are the devil or any such post. I hope to add new goals as I begin to complete these and disclose that all my goals will not be listed herein for the simple fact that my Doctor told me the best way to keep yourself from achieving your goals is to tell people about them. Apparently, it’s human nature to sabotage one another – who knew? So, here’s my manifesto:

I will commit to participate in the October Tough Mudder (TM) challenge in VA
I will commit to raising $1,000, or $100 per mile, to support The Wounded Warrior Project (as part of my participation in TM)
I will lose 25 lbs by race day (when I achieve this goal expect to see a new one!)
I will not do anything harmful to myself in the pursuit of a more balanced healthy and fit lifestyle
I will commit to posting my food journal twice a month
I will commit to updating my stats every three months
I will take steps to become more food literate

That’s it for now. Expect new things to be added on an ad hoc basis as I begin to check these goals off the list and add new ones. Let’s go!

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