Sunday, May 29, 2011

Washington Improv Theatre Workshops

This journey is about doing a little bit of everything, finding my passions and perhaps my passion is for the this case...the improv stage. While on a Starbucks hunt the other day, I spied a bulletin board and upon said board was an ad for the Washington Improve Theatre (WIT). As providence would have it, they are running free two hour workshop classes until May 31st.

So I signed up. Me and my friend Ms. S, are going to go get our improv on. I think my natural randomness will either serve me well in this endeavor or desert me entirely once I hit the stage. No one ever believes me when I say it, because I love to talk, but I hate public speaking. Absolutely hate being the center of attention on the stage while at the same time I love theatre, musicals, the arts, spoken word, etc. It goes within my contrary nature that I am both extroverted and introverted (it's true, according to me and numerous Myers Briggs tests!).

But, I'm looking forward to testing my improv chops this Tuesday, May 31st from 7-9 pm. If you want to sign-up for any of the remaining workshops do so HERE!

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