Saturday, May 14, 2011

Say what? Say Wheatgrass!

A few of my co-workers, and fellow TM Teammates on Team Sloppy 'G.I.' Joes, have made it a habit to go to Robek's for our daily lunch in a cup. Today was like any other work-day except for the fact that my partner in work-out crime Jackie Chan San (JCS) – whose nickname comes from the fact that I told her we need Ninja focus on our goals so she dubbed me 'Jet-Li San' and I subsequently dubbed her 'Jackie Chan San' – decided to order a shot of Wheatgrass. We'd been discussing whether or not to try the option listed on the lower right hand side of the hanging menu for weeks and she finally went through with it. After watching them pull a tuft, yes a tuft, of grass off the display and grind it through a meat grinder-like crank device she was poured a shot of the green, slightly foaming brew. Note: she opted not to order the chaser of OJ because she already ordered a fruit smoothie. In my opinion she didn't order it because "Ninja's don't need chasers." It was time for bottoms up! She took a pittance of a sip and promptly said no. Her experience with the wheatgrass was over…wheatgrass one, JCS zero.

So, I decided to give it a go and took the shot straight back like a champ and promptly wished for a more refined gag-reflex because wheatgrass is disgusting. My first thought was, "wow, I would spill a little of this down my shirt now wouldn't I?" my second thought, "I hope this doesn't make me have an allergic reaction!" You see, I did spill wheatgrass down my shirt and I do have a slight aversion to grass in general – when I sit in it, I become ridiculously itchy…so I figured, I'd set myself up for a stomach ache and potentially a trip to the Emergency Room. About 30 minutes later, my body felt like a Drain-O slippery slide (not the best image but I promised honesty), my face was itchy and my stomach churning. Not to mention, my boobs smelled like sweet grass and the only thing at my disposal to clean-up, while at my desk, was a Clorox disinfecting wipe – I'm not sure if it's ok to use on your skin but it did the trick. One assumes that a shot of anything is going to be a party in a very small glass. Perhaps all the stuff my body was feeling was an internal party my external self wasn't really invited to, either way one shot of Wheatgrass was enough for the rest of my life. I'll stick to putting it in my smoothies because its nutritional and digestive value is not to be ignored.

But in terms of taking it as a ninja shot, no chaser again…I'll pass.

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