Thursday, June 2, 2011

Here's the New Food well...Plate!

I supposed the intent of this revision to the traditional food pyramid, in the form of a dinner plate, is supposed to make people consider the portion of their meals which should be designated to specific food groups. If you go to you can click on each different group and find more information relating to servings, what types of products/produce each refers to and other information. I don't really think the visual will change the way most Americans eat because honestly, we need one big health/nutrition class.

They started cutting such programs from schools to make room for teaching us about abstinence (as if the only concern - if it's even a concern at all for those with sense - for a growing person is their reproductive health!) when I was still in school so I really hope the current generation of youngsters are getting more of a holistic education relating to health class. I suppose the greatest issue I have is culling through all the information out there, which now includes the information on, to find out what to do with items from each food group to not become too repetitive but also to choose the best of the bunch and turn to other sites to learn to cook, prepare, etc. the food. So perhaps what we need is a health and cooking class. Where the hell was Jamie Oliver when I was in secondary school??!!

All hoopla aside, here's the new Food Plate...

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